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CARNet Presents e-Schools at the EU Funds Week

10. March 2016.

The Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNet has actively participated in an informational and educational event under the title "EU Funds Week", held from 7 to 11 March 2016 at the Forum Zagreb Congress Centre and organised by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds.

The purpose of this five-day event is to present to the general public and potential beneficiaries all the possibilities of using the European Structural and Investment Funds, as well as their benefits for the Republic of Croatia. Therefore, as an example of good and successful practice, CARNet presented the pilot project "e-Schools: Establishing a System for Developing Digitally Mature Schools (Pilot Project)".

CARNet's Chief Executive Officer Mr Zvonimir Stanić briefly presented the project, main project activities, current project status and future activities to the gathered audience. It is a structural project of the development of digitally mature schools in which 150 Croatian schools are participating. The project is part of the more comprehensive e-Schools programme implemented in the period of 2015-2022 and consisting of a pilot project which is to last from 2015 to 2018 and a major project which will be implemented from 2019 to 2022, based on the results of the pilot project, and will include 60 % of Croatian schools. The full name of the entire programme is "e-Schools: Comprehensive Informatisation of the Schools' Business and Teaching Processes for the Purpose of Creating Digitally Mature Schools for the 21st Century".

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova.